Youth Theatre

Proposals for productions for the festival of theater for young audiences in Berlin.

The results of the multi-stage selection process for AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025 is made visible by the symbol of the red eye and its number on the proposal list:

  1. As soon as a proposed production has been viewed by the curators*, a red eye appears next to the proposal's list entry.
  2. Two red eyes indicate that the proposal has been shortlisted by the curators. This decision is expected to be announced in June 2024.
  3. Three red eyes reveal the final selected proposals that will be shown at AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025. The publication will take place in September 2024.

Proposal No. : 220
Authors: Julika Schlegel, Franca-Rosa von Sobbe
Direction: Regina Rossi, Robin Bongartz
Title: Tülvistas, 22767 Hamburg, Premiere: 07.10.2022
Cooperation partner: Charlotte-Paulsen-Gymnasium, Hamburg-Wandsbek

Proposal No. : 222
Authors: Leonard Evers
Direction: Stephanie Kuhlmann
Title: Staatstheater Mainz / justmainz, 55116 Mainz, Premiere: 23.02.2024

Proposal No. : 227
Fabian oder Der Gang vor die Hunde
Authors: Erich Kästner
Direction: Nils Zapfe
Title: tjg. theater junge generation Dresden, 01001 Dresden, Premiere: 01.04.2023

Proposal No. : 232
Authors: Nils Voges
Direction: Nils Voges
Title: Theater Münster, 48143 Münster, Premiere: 11.02.2023
Cooperation partner: sputnic kollektiv

Proposal No. : 237
Effi, Ach, Effi Briest
Authors: Moritz Franz Beichl
Direction: Maike Bouschen
Title: Theater Lübeck, 23552 Lübeck, Premiere: 02.12.2023

Proposal No. : 241
Follow me!
Authors: Felix Berner
Direction: Felix Berner
Title: Staatstheater Mainz, 55116 Mainz, Premiere: 26.04.2024

Proposal No. : 243
Stell dir vor - auf der Suche nach dem Frieden
Authors: Christopher Weiß
Direction: Christopher Weiß, Selin Kavak, Reimar de la Chevallerie
Title: boat people projekt, 37079 Göttingen, Premiere: 17.04.2024

Proposal No. : 244
Zukunft Ja [ ] Nein [ ] Vielleicht [ ] haha [ ]
Authors: Jeanne-Marie Bertram, Lorena Juric-Blazevic, Matthias Pieper, Thalia Schoeller, Arne Vogelgesang
Direction: Arne Vogelgesang
Title: Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, 76137 Karlsruhe, Premiere: 13.10.2023

Proposal No. : 251
Authors: Matin Soofipour Omam
Direction: Lydia Ziemke / suite 42
Title: Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, 76137 Karlsruhe, Premiere: 04.10.2023
Cooperation partner: Anne-Frank-Gemeinschaftsschule Karlsruhe

Proposal No. : 252
Romeo und Julia
Authors: Joanna Praml, Dorle Trachternach
Direction: Joanna Praml
Title: Staatstheater Nürnberg, 90443 Nürnberg, Premiere: 13.04.2024

Proposal No. : 253
Zum Glück!
Authors: -
Direction: Ives Thuwis
Title: Stadttheater Ingolstadt - Junges Theater, 85049 Ingolstadt, Premiere: 04.05.2024

Proposal No. : 254
Echo:Reflexion. Musikperformances für Sopran, Flöte, Violoncello und tanzende Gebärdensolistin
Authors: ensemble in transition (Produktion enstand in kollektivem Prozess)
Direction: ensemble in transition
Title: ensemble in transition, Frankfurt a.M., Premiere: 27.09.2022

Proposal No. : 261
Authors: Ensemble
Direction: Julia Mota Carvalho, Marcella Ruiz Quintero
Title: peforming:group, 50670 Köln, Premiere: 05.04.2024
Cooperation partner: COMEDIA Theater, Köln

Proposal No. : 262
Der Entstörer
Authors: Ursula Kohlert
Direction: Peter Kirschke
Title: Theater Dortmund, Sparte: Kinder- und Jugendtheater , 44141 Dortmund , Premiere: 28.09.2023

Proposal No. : 264
Authors: Alice Rugai/Muitoevoli
Direction: Max Radestock
Title: Theater Strahl, 10317 Berlin, Premiere: 15.02.2024