Youth Theatre

Proposals for productions for the festival of theater for young audiences in Berlin.

The results of the multi-stage selection process for AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025 is made visible by the symbol of the red eye and its number on the proposal list:

  1. As soon as a proposed production has been viewed by the curators*, a red eye appears next to the proposal's list entry.
  2. Two red eyes indicate that the proposal has been shortlisted by the curators. This decision is expected to be announced in June 2024.
  3. Three red eyes reveal the final selected proposals that will be shown at AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025. The publication will take place in September 2024.

Proposal No. : 43
Authors: Till Wiebel
Direction: Emel Aydoğdu
Title: Staatstheater Braunschweig, 38100 Braunschweig, Premiere: 26.05.2023

Proposal No. : 48
Time to Shine
Authors: Takao Baba und Ensemble
Direction: Takao Baba, Regie und Choreografie
Title: Junges Schauspiel - D'haus, 40470 Düsseldorf, Premiere: 10.09.2023
Cooperation partner: Keine Koproduktion, aber eine Kooperation mit dem Studiengang Physical Theatre der Folkwang Universität der Künste

Proposal No. : 51
ALL THAT MATTERS worauf es ankommt
Authors: Liora Hilb, Max Tribukait
Direction: Günther Henne
Title: Theater La Senty Menti, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Premiere: 09.11.2023
Cooperation partner: Initiative 9. November e.V., Friedberger Anlage 5, 60314 Frankfurt am Main

Proposal No. : 67
Die Räuber
Authors: nach Friedrich Schiller in einer Bearbeitung von Felix Krakau
Direction: Felix Krakau
Title: Junges Schauspiel - Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus, 40470 Düsseldorf, Premiere: 03.12.2023

Proposal No. : 90
Kabale + Liebe
Authors: Eine Überschreibung von Juli Mahid Carly, nach Friedrich Schiller
Direction: Juli Mahid Carly
Title: Theater Konstanz, 78467 Konstanz, Premiere: 19.10.2023

Proposal No. : 93
Der geheimnisvolle Fremde
Authors: nach Mark Twain
Direction: Martina van Boxen
Title: Schauspielhaus Bochum AöR, Bochum, Premiere: 29.01.2023
Cooperation partner: Junge Bühne Bochum

Proposal No. : 96
Talking about silence
Authors: Steffen Moor
Direction: Carole Karemera, Barbara Kölling
Title: HELIOS Theater, 59065 Hamm, Premiere: 22.10.2023
Cooperation partner: Ishyo Arts Centre (IAC)

Proposal No. : 97
Authors: Klassenzimmerstück von Lennard Walter, Kat Heß und der Drama Control
Direction: Lennard Walter
Title: Schauspielhaus Bochum, Bochum, Premiere: 21.01.2024

Proposal No. : 98
Authors: Christina Kettering
Direction: Sydney Mikosch
Title: Stadttheater Bremerhaven - JUB|Junges Theater Bremerhaven, 27568 Bremerhaven, Premiere: 16.09.2023

Proposal No. : 103
Authors: Roman von Saša Stanišić | In einer Fassung von Clara Weyde und Bastian Lomsché
Direction: Clara Weyde
Title: Theater Magdeburg, 39104 Magdeburg, Premiere: 09.09.2023

Proposal No. : 109
Authors: FT Team
Direction: FT Team
Title: FUNDUS THEATER | Forschungstheater, 20525 / Hamburg, Premiere: 11.09.2023

Proposal No. : 110
Jenseits der blauen Grenze
Authors: Dorit Linke
Direction: Swaantje Lena Kleff
Title: Deutsches Nationaltheater und Staatskapelle Weimar, 99423 Weimar, Premiere: 24.11.2023

Proposal No. : 111
Authors: Stückentwicklung des Ensembles
Direction: Hannah Perner-Wilson & Mika Satomi (Kobakant), Anna Vera Kelle
Title: Theater Strahl, 10317 Berlin, Premiere: 12.10.2023
Cooperation partner: KOBAKANT

Proposal No. : 113
Authors: Ensembleproduktion
Direction: Jolanda Uhlig
Title: STERNA | PAU, 44807 Bochum, Premiere: 07.12.2023
Cooperation partner: FFT Düsseldorf

Proposal No. : 115
Authors: Hennermanns Horde
Direction: Célestine Hennermann
Title: Hennermanns Horde, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, Premiere: 11.11.2023