Children's Theatre

Proposals for productions for the festival of theater for young audiences in Berlin.

The results of the multi-stage selection process for AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025 is made visible by the symbol of the red eye and its number on the proposal list:

  1. As soon as a proposed production has been viewed by the curators*, a red eye appears next to the proposal's list entry.
  2. Two red eyes indicate that the proposal has been shortlisted by the curators. This decision is expected to be announced in June 2024.
  3. Three red eyes reveal the final selected proposals that will be shown at AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025. The publication will take place in September 2024.

Proposal No. : 283
Yuki-Onna / Die Schneefrau
Authors: Isabelle Schad
Direction: Isabelle Schad
Title: Isabelle Schad, 13357 Berlin, Premiere: 28.04.2024
Cooperation partner: Theater o.N.

Proposal No. : 284
TRAUMMASCHINENTRÄUME - Inklusives Theaterprojekt für menschliche und künstliche Intelligenzen ab 8 Jahren
Authors: Michael Bischoff, Niklas Kammermeier, Angela Loewen, Domo Nimar, Boris Pietsch, Dagmar Schmidt und Jochen Strodthoff
Direction: Jochen Strodthoff
Title: Bischoff / Herrberg / Strodthoff GbR, München, 83734 Hausham, Premiere: 14.01.2024
Cooperation partner: dasvinzenz und Kulturbühne Spagat, München

Proposal No. : 285
Authors: Nikoleta Koutitsa
Direction: Nikoleta Koutitsa
Title: Initiative LUNA PARK e.V., 13357 / Berlin, Premiere: 08.02.2024

Proposal No. : 289
Die Biene im Kopf
Authors: Roland Schimmelpfennig
Direction: Maike Bouschen
Title: Theater Pfütze, 90403 Nürnberg, Premiere: 22.09.2023
Cooperation partner: Staatstheater Nürnberg

Proposal No. : 291
La Rasa Tabu
Authors: Ensembleproduktion
Direction: Leo Kees
Title: Theaterhaus Ensemble, 60385 Frankfurt am Main, Premiere: 12.10.2023

Proposal No. : 298
stoffen - ein Stoffstück für Auge, Ohr und Haut
Authors: Andrea Kilian & Rahel Wohlgensinger mit Simon Engeli
Direction: Andrea Kilian
Title: Physical Theatre Andrea Kilian, 85560 Ebersberg, Premiere: 03.12.2023
Cooperation partner: Andrea Kilian/Physical Theatre DE & Rahel Wohlgensinger/

Proposal No. : 303
STREET Fabrik Tanz und Textil-Recycling-Performance
Authors: Ini Dill
Direction: Ini Dill
Title: die elektroschuhe•BÜHNEN im Haus der Statistik, 10178 Berlin, Premiere: 27.05.2023
Cooperation partner: Haus der Statistik

Proposal No. : 309
Warum der Hund das Fleisch durch den Fluss trägt
Authors: David Lindemann, Antigone Akgün
Direction: Sebastian Mauksch & Team
Title: Ballhaus Ost, 10437 Berlin, Premiere: 25.05.2023
Cooperation partner: Sebastian Mauksch

Proposal No. : 310
Authors: Camilla Pölzer
Direction: Ensembleproduktion
Title: Camilla Pölzer, 10715 Berlin, Premiere: 22.02.2023
Cooperation partner: Tanzkomplizen Berlin, Making A Difference

Proposal No. : 311
Tragic Magic Today oder Was machen Schnecken, wenn sie sich erschrecken?
Title: PINSKER+BERNHARDT, 63069 Offenbach, Premiere: 23.02.2024
Cooperation partner: FFT Düsseldorf

Proposal No. : 312
GeHört das SO?
Authors: Companie M
Direction: Giuseppina Tragni, Sarah Herr
Title: Companie M, 68239 Mannheim, Premiere: 17.10.2023

Proposal No. : 315
family creatures
Title: GbR PINSKER+BERNHARDT, 63069 Offenbach am Main , Premiere: 02.02.2023
Cooperation partner: Künstler*innhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt am Main

Proposal No. : 316
Violetta & Mimosa
Authors: Veronica compagnone, Sara calvario
Direction: Veronica compagnone, Sara calvario
Title: Figurentheater Grashüpfer , 12435 , Premiere: 27.05.2023
Cooperation partner: Fonds Darstellende Künste