Children's Theatre

Proposals for productions for the festival of theater for young audiences in Berlin.

The results of the multi-stage selection process for AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025 is made visible by the symbol of the red eye and its number on the proposal list:

  1. As soon as a proposed production has been viewed by the curators*, a red eye appears next to the proposal's list entry.
  2. Two red eyes indicate that the proposal has been shortlisted by the curators. This decision is expected to be announced in June 2024.
  3. Three red eyes reveal the final selected proposals that will be shown at AUGENBLICK MAL! 2025. The publication will take place in September 2024.

Proposal No. : 159
Unsere neue große Welt
Authors: Grete Pagan und Ensemble
Direction: Grete Pagan
Title: Junges Ensemble Stuttgart (JES), 70173 Stuttgart, Premiere: 30.09.2023

Proposal No. : 160
Der kleine Prinz
Authors: frei nach Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Direction: Louisa Grote, Jule Nowak und Ensemble
Title: stellwerk weimar e.V., 99423 Weimar, Premiere: 20.01.2024

Proposal No. : 163
Authors: Michel Ende, Fassung: Frank Alexander Engel
Direction: Frank Alexander Engel
Title: Theater Osnabrück GgmbH , 49074 Osnabrück, Premiere: 17.02.2024

Proposal No. : 167
Authors: Antje Pfundtner
Direction: Antje Pfundtner
Title: Staatstheater Mainz, 55116 Mainz, Premiere: 24.11.2023

Proposal No. : 168
Ein Sommernachtstraum - Lichtoper für Kinder
Authors: Marc Schwämmlein/Julia Schäfer
Direction: Marc Schwämmlein/Julia Schäfer
Title: Ensemble Taugenichts, 73733 Esslingen, Premiere: 12.06.2023
Cooperation partner: Kopffarben

Proposal No. : 170
Authors: Tina Müller
Direction: Anna Waibel
Title: Athanor Akademie für Schauspiel und Regie, Passau / 94034 , Premiere: 14.03.2024

Proposal No. : 171
Authors: Anna Carlier, aus dem Niederländischen von Christine Bais
Direction: Christoph Macha
Title: Janina Laßmann, Halle (Saale), Premiere: 25.01.2024

Proposal No. : 176
Über Überüberübermorgen
Authors: Cathy Walsh & Cécile Bally
Direction: Cathy Walsh & Cécile Bally
Title: FELD, 10781 / Berlin, Premiere: 06.10.2022
Cooperation partner: FELD Theater

Proposal No. : 177
Ferdinand, der Stier
Authors: Alexander Klessinger und Enrique Fiß nach Munro Leaf
Direction: Alexander Klessinger
Title: Junges Schauspielhaus Hamburg, 22305 Hamburg, Premiere: 09.03.2024
Cooperation partner: Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg

Proposal No. : 185
überALL unterALL - Welterkundung mit sieben Rätseln
Authors: Susa Schmeel, Christiane Zanger
Direction: Christiane Zanger
Title: Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel, 04179 Leipzig, Premiere: 09.09.2023
Cooperation partner: Westflügel Leipzig

Proposal No. : 188
Frieden und Krieg und ich
Authors: Stückentwicklung, Fassung: Ania Michaelis
Direction: Ania Michaelis
Title: Puppentheater Magdeburg Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Magdeburg, 39104 Magdeburg, Premiere: 10.02.2024

Proposal No. : 189
Irgendwo da oben
Authors: Kaya Tina Büttner
Direction: Petra Schönwald
Title: GRIPS Theater, 10557 Berlin, Premiere: 26.11.2023

Proposal No. : 190
Authors: Karsten Dahlem
Direction: Karsten Dahlem
Title: GRIPS Theater, 10557 Berlin, Premiere: 25.01.2024

Proposal No. : 192
Viertel vor Nacht
Authors: Michael Döhnert, Joachim Fleischer, Melanie Florschütz
Direction: Joachim Fleischer
Title: florschütz & döhnert, Berlin, Premiere: 13.04.2024
Cooperation partner: Escher Theater, TAK Theater Liechtenstein

Proposal No. : 193
جنية Dschinnīya
Authors: Minouche Petrusch
Direction: Minouche Petrusch
Title: Minouche Petrusch, 13503 Berlin, Premiere: 13.04.2024
Cooperation partner: Klasse 6a der Heinrich-Seidel-Grundschule (Berlin-Wedding)